Friday, September 21, 2007

Week 9, Thing 21: Discover some useful tools for locating podcasts

I started looking at and found a podcast that I wanted to try out. However, I kept getting a box that said "Click to run an ActiveX control on this page." Your only option was to click the box labeled "OK." But when you did that, nothing happened. I even tried Xing out of the little box with the same result. The podcast did not seem to function.

I then went to search on, but in order to listen to the podcast, I was required to download a Podcast Aggregator. Since downloading things to our work computers is a big no-no, I scrapped that idea.

Frustrated, I tried a different angle. Some friends on mind host a podcast on I went there and did a little search and there it was... and when I clicked on 'play' it actually played. So, while was not one of the sites recommended, it was the only one that I tried in which I had any success. I've added the link to their podcast to my bloglines account. (I still maintain the "Subscribe" button should actually allow you to subscribe directly and not just show you the html code and webaddress... but perhaps that's just my belief.)

My thoughts on Podcasting. Once again, it falls into the realms of blogging. It seems like everyone in the world feels that their opinions are so important that they have to share them with everyone else in the world. And now, it's not just in the written media... but now you can podcast you message. I can see some practical uses for this resource. One can use it for instructional purposes. But it seems more like "Listen to me, I'm so kuhl" is the current primary use of podcasting. Hopefully I'm wrong. =) Of course, everyone can choose to podcast their thoughts on the web... and I can choose to not listen. Gotta love the power of choice! =)

So, now that this thing is done, I can happily say that I have 21 down and only 2 more to go! YAY! I might make this deadline after all!

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