Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 5, Thing 11: Take a look at Library Thing and catalog some of your favorite books

This was probably the most fun I've had with the 23 things thus far. With my LibraryThing, I decided to catalog all of my books that are shelved in our Geek Room. (You can see the books in reference on the top shelf of the bookcase upon which the "backup computer power supply" is housed.)

I was also able to create a widget using the tools section from LibraryThing. So, now on my blog is a random sampling of titles, which if you click on them it will bring you to Amazon in case you would like to purchase said title. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't have all of the cover art, and while I was able to add it to my records in LibraryThing, they do not appear on my widget.

There was another widget that I wanted to put on my blog, but I couldn't get it to function properly. There is one that is a search widget which is supposed to "let your visitors search your library right on your blog." I've tried to do this several time and while I have been able to create a widget and upload it to my blog, it does not search my library. I'm not sure whose library it searches, but when I put in the search term "Vampire" I found "Interview with the Vampire" and a bunch of other books that were not in my library. So, I took that search widget back off my blog until such time as I can figure out how to make it function properly.

So yes, I had fun with this one. 11 things down, 12 more to go! Hey! I'm approximately halfway there!

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