Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 5, Thing 12: Roll your own search tool with Rollyo

What I have learned from this exercise is that your Rollyo search will only be as good as the sources that you put into it. And even then, it doesn't necessarily come up with what you think it will! I created my Rollyo to search websites that reference information from either White Wolf Gaming Studio's products, or affiliate sites to the One World by Night organization. I was hoping to create a tool that would be useful for myself, as well as the other members on staff who run the Baltimore chronicle of OWbN. This tool would be especially helpful because we are still running the Laws of the Night (Vampire: The Masquerade) system, which is no longer in print. So, often our source material is hard to come by.

I'm still seeking more sites that I can add to my Rollyo to make it a usable tool for our organization. If successful, I'm going to share it with the rest of the org. If not, oh well. At least I was able to do enough to be able to say...

12 down... 11 to go!

Oh... and I've attached my Rollyo searcher to my blog. It's under my books from my LibraryThing. =)

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Hi, I was starting to work on Thing 12, but wait, there was a chicken, and then I forgot what I was doing. So now I'm just checking out other blogs. Keep me posted on kittie watch.